Thursday 4 July 2013

It's all in bits

Well now my workshop is up I thought I had better do something in it.......
I pushed it in with the help of the long suffering wifey and then after giving it a good coat of looking at decided that it needed to be rebuilt, not exactly as it was when first built back in 1984 but bloody hell it's long overdue.

                                          Test fit of the new GSXR flat slide carbs.

                                          It knows some things going to happen.

                                          On it's way to being in 20,000 pieces.
The whole bike is in bits now, the frame and loads of assorted rusty crap has gone off to Carnaby Powder Coating and will reappear next week wearing a gorgeous gloss black finish. I've started on some of the polishing already and hopefully it will start coming together, next job is the motor but before that I need to send the forks away for a coating of hard chrome as they're just too pitted to do anything with.